is a most significant fact, often overlooked, that Jesus equates/links eternal
life with knowledge of one true God, and Jesus Christ whom he has sent (Jn
17:3). This refers to our acknowledgement of both the divinity and the humanity
of Christ (Jn 8:24, 55, I Jn4:3). It is not as many believe a reference to two
divine beings. The insistence on God’s absolute numerical oneness, as well as,
his manifestation in the flesh for our salvation is the overarching theme of
scripture. This alone should caution us against divorcing our beliefs from the
biblical theology of God; Thus building for ourselves the image of another
Jesus and thereby receiving a different gospel. We must not ignore his warning,
“If you believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins… He that
believeth on me believeth not on me, But on him that sent me. And he that seeth
me seeth him who sent me…He the rejecteth me and receiveth not my words, hath
one that judgeth him: The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge
him in the last day(Jn 8:24; 12:44,45,48). This should lay rest to any
question about the importance “doctrine.” For, “whosoever trangresseth and
abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the
doctrine of Christ, he hath both the father and the son.” (II Jn 9). Jesus’
own creed (Mark12:29), is central to all he said and did. But does our
tradition faithfully reflect that “Jewish” creed? According to the Savior, it
is not possible to believe him if we are not prepared to believe Moses (Jn
5:46, 47). Our failures to grasp the realities of our Hebrew heritage and what
Moses, Isaiah, and others have said about the nature of God, will lead to
disastrous results when it comes to the exercise of our faith.
A genuine relationship with Jesus can only be built
on the foundation of a proper understanding of who He is. This understanding
will only come by our acceptance of the teaching of scripture, even when that
scripture violates our “sacred” traditions. Our ability to avoid conforming to
the culture around us and achieve the separation demanded of us as God’s people
will only come as we are transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that we
may prove what is the will of God (Rom 12:1-2). It is only by the inspired word
of God that this will ever take place, as the mind of the spirit is transferred
to the believer and we come to have the mind of Christ. Could it be that we are
breathing the contaminated atmosphere of Greek philosophy and Alexandrian
theology and would experience dramatic improvements in spiritual health from
the fresh air of the plain truth of God in its original Hebrew context?
Our success as believers depends upon our
attention to Jesus’ admonition that… “Ye abide in me, and my words abide in
you,” (Jn 15:7, II Jn 9, Jn 8:32). All false doctrine is dangerous, because
it is built on a rejection of what Jesus said. How much greater in this case,
being built on the rejection of who he is. No apology is necessary, therefore,
for our desire to discover what, in fact, according to scripture, God has
revealed about himself and his relationship to man. It matters very much what a
Christian understands and believes for, as perhaps never before in her history
the church today is asleep and in bondage. The current opinion (“fad”) that
doctrine divides and should be avoided for the sake of unity, is simply
unbiblical. The very opposite is true: doctrine based on the clear
teaching of scripture and the true knowledge of God is the only hope for
genuine unity in the midst of the chaos and division present in the church
The object of this work, therefore, has been to
present a biblical challenge to contemporary trinitarianism, and to propose a
way of understanding more accurately what God has revealed about himself, thus
bringing our doctrine more in line with the truths of scripture. The recovery
of belief in Jesus as the physical manifestation of the one true God will
dispel the fog of confusion which has enveloped the church for generations.
Loss of this clear understanding about who he is has resulted in our acceptance
of “another Jesus” and “a different gospel” and has created an entrenched and
dangerous theological misunderstanding regarding the true nature of salvation.
The doctrine of the trinity is a tragic diversion which replaces the biblical
focus on faith in the one true God with philosophical speculation and
metaphysical arguments regarding the nature of the “Godhead.” In many cases the
result is the false worship of a “divided God” on the part of people with
divided hearts.
It is no longer sufficient simply to make the
assertion that “Jesus = God” as if that is a legitimate reflection of New
Testament truth. Since God in the bible never means “God in three persons,”
intelligent and honest bible study must seek for a revised Christology which
allows for the obvious and necessary conclusion that Jesus is the promised
incarnation of the Father.
In his book, The Christian Doctrine of God,
Emil Brunner makes the following pointed observation regarding the Trinity:
“The History of Christian Theology and dogma teaches us to regard the dogma of
the trinity as the distinctive element in the Christian idea of God… On the
other hand we must honestly admit that the doctrine of the trinity did not form
part of the early Christian New Testament…It was never the intent of the
original witness to Christ in the New Testament to set before us the
intellectual problem –that of three divine persons- and then to tell us
silently to worship this mystery of three in one. This “mysterium logicum”,
the fact that God is three yet one, lies wholly outside the message of the
bible. It is a mystery which the church places before the faithful in her
Theology, but which has no connection with the message of Jesus and the
Apostles. No Apostle would have dreamt of thinking that here are three divine
persons, whose mutual relations and paradoxical unity are beyond our
understanding. The mystery of the Trinity is a pseudo-mystery which sprang out
of an aberration in logical thought from the lines laid down in the bible and
not from the biblical doctrine itself” (Brunner. 1950. 1; 205, 226, 238).
In the final analysis, the doctrine of the
trinity is simply not a biblical doctrine but rather the product of theological
reflection and philosophical speculation. It may be in reality, satans
masterstroke of deception.
In contradistinction to trinititarinism,
apostolic or oneness theology asserts the following:
1) God is
indivisibly and absolutely numerically one with no distinction of persons.
2) The nature of
the God head is not a mystery but of the clearest revelations of scripture.
3) Jesus is the
absolute fullness of the Godhead; He is one and at the same time- Elohim, Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
4) The Son of God
was begotten after the flesh at a specific moment in time and did not exist
from all Eternity. “Son” is a term which refers only and specifically to God’s
5) The logos
(word) is not a separate person, but rather the mind, thought, plan, activity,
or expression of the Father.
6) Jesus is the
redemptive name of God, revealed in the New Testament. It is the ultimate
revelation of who God is, representing the Salvation, Healing, Delivering Power
and Authority of God manifested to man.
7) Water Baptism
should be administered by the oral invocation of the Name of Jesus as part of
the Christological baptismal formula.
8) Believers
will definitely see only one Divine Being in Heaven: Jesus Christ, The Lord of
The Oneness doctrine does not destroy or alter
any doctrine or belief essential to biblical Christianity; it absolutely
upholds the sole authority of scripture, the Deity of Christ, his
substitutionary atonement and justification by faith. Additionally as part of
Gods ongoing program of reformation and restoration, Apostolic Theology
restores and upholds biblical Christianity in at least four specific ways.
A) It restores biblical
terminology and biblical patterns of thought on the subject of the God head,
clearly establishing, New Testament Christianity as the heir of Old Testament
B) It
proclaims the absolute Deity of Jesus Christ, revealing his true identity as
the incarnation of the One True God.
C) It restores apostolic
authority and the biblical emphasis on The Name to the church, making the power
of his Name available to every believer.
D) It restores the basic and
fundamental doctrine of the New Testament church which is the bible standard of
full salvation. It is repentance, water baptism by immersion in the Name of
Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit with
the initial evidence of speaking with other tongues as the spirit gives the
Not only must the church know and believe these
truths, but in view of their crucial significance, we must begin to propagate
them everywhere. The church has the vital responsibility to teach this message
from her pulpits, in her Sunday Schools, in home bible studies, and through
every appropriate outlet. The fivefold ministry has been given to the church
for the purpose of equipping the Saints for ministry. Every believer therefore,
is a minister, anointed by God and entrusted with the grave responsibility of
sharing these profound realities with others.
In short, the message of the Mighty God in Jesus
Christ is absolutely essential to the restoration of biblical belief, apostolic
authority and the return to New Testament patterns, principles, priorities, and
power. It is the only hope for a dying world. Our only means of success
in what God has called us to do.
Dr. Larry Yates