are often confused when they try to match what they have been taught with what
they read in the Bible. The Bible clearly states that “Jesus healed them all”,
yet often, instead of the ‘healed them all’ Scriptures, Christians can only
remember the Scriptures that seem to point to Jesus’ failure or inability to
heal or perform miracles.
A Dilemma of Understanding
This dilemma between the ‘All-powerful Jesus’ and the Jesus who ‘could do no
mighty works’ is simply one more in the list of ’traditions of man’ that keep
the sick from being healed.
When everything goes right and the sick get well, everyone is happy. When
things don’t go right, people start looking for answers. And if an answer is
presented, it is often quickly accepted without investigation. In today’s
religious world, there are few ‘Bereans’ that will search the Scriptures to see
if what they are told matches the Word of God.
As ministers and representatives of Jesus Christ, we have a responsibility to
accurately and truthfully represent Jesus. That means we can’t say what we want
to or just repeat what we have been told by others. We must only say what Jesus
has said and/or what He would say (which would be in alignment with what He has
Jesus used absolute words like: whosoever, whatsoever, all, anything and
nothing. In the area of healing, Christians use words like sometimes, maybe, if
it be Thy will, etc.
Do You Make Excuses for Failure?
A general rule of thumb is that you never analyze your victories, just your
defeats. A good indicator of your honesty toward the Word of God is how you
deal with a failure. If you are ‘standing on God’s Word’ for healing and the
person dies, how do you react? Do you go on quoting Scripture and ‘speaking
faith’ or do you revert to excuses. The same excuses you were taught, but can’t
be found in the Bible.
Faith and the Will of God
Another indicator is how you react after ‘praying’ for the sick and seeing no
apparent change. Maybe you have learned the Biblical way to minister healing by
commanding the devil and his works to depart (note: we are not commanding God
to heal, we are commanding the devil to cease his operations), yet after doing
so, nothing seems to have happened.
What do you do? Do you revert to the old non-biblical (and even anti-scriptural)
method of looking for some hidden or unconfessed sin in the sick one - or worse
yet, some sin from past generations?)
Two things are important here: First, get it settled in your heart that what
you are doing is the Will of God. Second, once it is settled, pray the ‘prayer
of faith’ which is a prayer that states the end result that you desire in the
form of a statement or command. This is not praying to God, it is representing
God before man. It is ‘praying’ for the sick like Jesus did. He commanded. He
never spoke to God about someone getting healed.
A True Picture of Christ’s Power
Jesus healed everyone that came to Him and sometimes He even went to people
specifically to heal them. Apparently it was always God’s will to heal those
who came to Jesus, and even more amazingly, they all had enough faith.
Not once did He ever tell anyone to keep their illness or to confess their sins
(or the sins of their ancestors) before He healed them.
One Scripture even says He healed all that had need of healing. Several times
it says He healed multitudes. Even in the oft (mis)quoted verse about His not
being able to do mighty works in His home town, it says He healed everyone He
laid hands on. In Acts, it even says that the disciples “healed all”.
following is from a letter from John G. Lake, the
so-called “Apostle to Africa,” to Carrie Judd
Montgomery on April 22, 1911. Dr. Lake is making
reference to the phenomenal success of his healing ministry in South Africa in
the early 1900’s:
I feel …that there is a step in this ministry in
advance of what the (Pentecostal) Movement in general enjoys, and God has laid
it deeply on my soul to present this particular phase of the exercise of the
dominion of Jesus Christ, and that the secret of our success here in this
ministry, is in our teaching our workers to exercise the dominion of God
through the Holy Ghost, and that He has already put in their soul when He
baptized them; while in other branches of this work they still follow largely
the old line of intercession for the sick.
do not pray for God to come and heal as in the old days. But, looking into His
face, believing that He has baptized us in the Holy Ghost, and that we have
received the power of God through that baptism, command in the Name of Jesus,
the devil and his works to depart. I am convinced that there is a secret and
better place of interceding for the sick, in exercising a dominion of God over
the devil and his sicknesses, that when learned by the Pentecostal Movement,
will put the ministry of healing miles in advance of where it is now.
name, through faith in His name hath made this man strong.”
as I have, give I thee.” “Aeneas, Jesus maketh thee whole.”
Divine Healing for Today?
of us have heard about someone who experienced a miraculous healing in their
life. Most people believe that healing exists, but they think of it more like a
lottery. They may do everything they can to be healed, and when everything else
fails, try prayer. Most people use God as a last resort and are hoping that God
heals them because nothing else has worked.
think that perhaps God in His mercy will find us worthy of healing. Some may
think that if they could just “get enough” faith going they would get healed.
They may even think that God wants some to suffer or even die because He has a
mysterious plan to use it to reach more people.
biggest problem is that many of us have never acquired a true biblical
understanding of healing for ourselves. Many have blindly adopted the opinions
of other believers, or form their beliefs to match what they see. When we study
God’s promise of healing for ourselves, many are surprised to find that there
are ample unscriptural beliefs lurking in their minds.
Bible study will help you to solidify your biblical foundation in divine
healing. As you proceed, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will be
challenged to think about what you have been taught and believe. Through study
and revelation in God’s Word you will gain the necessary tools to answer many
questions about divine healing.
is common to answer questions on divine healing by starting with, “I believe,”
“I heard,” or “My pastor said…” A much better way to answer these questions
begins with, “God’s Word says …” because God’s Word is our final authority.
Base your studies on the truth of the Word of God and it will help you to
re-establish what you know with God’s Truth (not man’s ideas) as your